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If  you would like to contact Sister Robinson while she is serving her mission, you can email her at abbie.robinson@myldsmail.net.
Sister Robinson can receive emails any time during the week and read them on her iPad whenever she has wifi and free time. She will only be able to respond on her P-Day (Preparation Day), which is once a week and falls on Tuesday.

You can also send her mail through DearElder.com. In Canada, they will mail the letter for you at the cost of the postage stamp.

To send her mail or packages while in Canada, her mailing address will be:

(Abbie has said this is the BEST address)
Sister Abbie Robinson 
8925 51 Ave suite #305
Edmonton, AB T6E 5J3

Sister Abbie Robinson
305-8925 51 Ave NW
Edmonton AB T6E 5J3

Her mission address and information is:

Canada Edmonton Mission
8925 51st Ave Ste 305
Edmonton, AB T6E 5J3

Phone Number: 1-780-461-2757
Mission President: President Larry G. Manion