Sister Robinson's First Week
Hi Mom!!
I'm doing really well :) I love the MTC. My district is so much fun!! We were like one big happy family by Thursday. I share a room with Sister Arnold, Sister Glad, and Sister Kirts. Sis Glad went to SUU! But they're all a lot of fun and they have really sweet spirits. We have 4 elders as well. They are Elders Timothy, Alvey, Williams and Gassaway. Elder Timothy is super funny and loud, but he can be serious too if he needs to be. Elder Alvey is just adorable, and he's always super happy. Those two are companions, and then Elder Williams, who we refer to as Mr. Sass is super sarcastic, and his companion Elder Gassaway is super nerdy, but he's amazing at memorizing scriptures!
{We call ourselves the noble warriors called to the work. Hence, the W :)} |
That's so great you got to go to the Payson temple! We went to the Provo temple today. Did a session as a district :) It was really cool. Oh I'm soooo jealous that you took a two hour nap!!! I've been barely getting 8 hours of sleep, and I have absolutely no time to think about anything other than my investigators, companion, and the scriptures, which is great but super exhausting!! Oh my gosh I have learned so much since I've been here. Sister Kirts is really good at asking lots of questions that apply to the lessons and our teachers always have us find the answers in the scriptures. It's really cool. I've never loved the scriptures so much. There's so many amazing stories and verses that can apply to everyone!
{Sister Glad, Sister Arnold, me, & Sister Kirts} |
So I'm just going to tell you about my week day by day!
Wednesday: After the drop off, I was escorted by a sister who helped me with my bags and then I found out that sister arnold would be my companion! I was so excited. After finding my room and dropping off my bags I met the rest of my district in our classroom. We went around the room, introduced ourselves, shared our testimonies. It was great. We went to a big meeting with all the new missionaries, and I saw Natalie Baugh, a girl I knew from EFY, and 3 other girls who went to Alta! So I see them around the MTC all the time.
{Sister Baugh & Sister Robinson} |
Thursday: Day 2. We spent most of the day studying as a district. We studied our purpose as missionaries- to help others come unto Christ through faith, repentance, baptism, the holy ghost, and enduring to the end (in short.) and it was so cool! I've never had the scriptures testify of their truth to me like they did that day. Oh and we have three teachers, by the way. They are Brother Hixon in the morning and sister miller and brother whiting in the afternoon. they're all amazing teachers. But on thursday we also found a bunch of scripures that relate to our purpose, and it was like wildfire!! We found so many amazing references. I took up 4 pages in my journal just with references.
{The sisters} |
Friday: This was the toughest day for me. In the morning, we all did service. Sis A and I just did some cleaning. Then we had a lesson about the doctrine of Christ, which is essentially our whole purpose as missionaries. Sister arnold and i prepared our lesson for our "investigator," Gustavor, who is actually our teacher Elder Hixon. But Friday was just super hard, because all we did was study. All. Day. I was so exhausted, but really excited for our first lesson!
{In the classroom} |
Saturday: So we gave Gustavo the lesson! It was okayyyy... sorta. but We felt like he wasn't super into it, so we decided we need to make sure we teach the investigator, not the lesson. But brother whiting helped me out when I was feeling down about that.
Sunday: It was such a nice day!! We had a zone meeting in the morning, since sister A and i are sister training leaders, and then we had a bunch of other meetings. But my favorite part was walking around the temple grounds. They were so beautiful, and it was such a nice day!! Then that night, we had a devotional, and the speaker was phenomenal. He had us listen to come come ye saints, and that is now my new favorite song.
Monday: Super fun day! I was super stressed at the beginning of the day, and then we had a lesson on stress management, which didn't help at all! It just reminded me of all the things I had to be stressed about! There's so much to think about here. But once we dove into the scriptures all the stress went away. We taught Gustavo his second lesson on the plan of salvation, and we really connected with him this time! Even invited him to be baptized, which he said he wants to be more ready for, but he's going to try. YAYY!!
Anyways, i am running out of time. i love you though!! Thank you for all of the love and support. I got your letter in the mail today! I will write you back tonight :)
Love you tons.