Exchanges, Service, & Slurpees
I'm doing great! Transfers were last Wednesday, but since Sister Hatch is training me we're stuck together for another transfer ;) Training takes 12 weeks. It has been suuuper hot! I hate it! I have a tan line on my wrist from my watch and on my feet from my shoes. It's the worst. Haha! But we got 60 SPF sunscreen, so don't worry about us. Did I tell you that no one up here has A/C!! It's awful! Some days there is literally no escape from the heat. We just drown in our own sweat. No biggie. It's just nasty.
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{we may or may not have picked these cherries off a stranger's tree...} |
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{Sister Kunz, Sister Rush, & me!} |
Man oh man this week was good. I have so many stories for you. Let's see.. We had an awesome lesson with Alyssa and Lance! I was pretty stressed about it beforehand, because our last lesson with them wasn't the best. But we made our main focus The Book of Mormon, because they weren't reading it. So we talked about how important it is, and how if you read it and pray about it you will gain a testimony of its truth by the power of the holy ghost. Super cool. Alyssa was very inspired. They also told us that they have been praying! That's a HUGE step, because they didn't even know if they believed in God. So yay!! We need to invite them to be baptized... I'm pretty nervous about that one. Not sure why exactly. Things are just different with Alyssa and Lance than any of our other investigators.
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{Sister Rush and me!} |
So this week, sister hatch and I went on exchanges! I actually stayed in our area and Sister Rush, one of the sister training leaders joined me. The highlight was going to see Fred and Betty. They're this older married couple and they don't exactly know that they're investigators, but they totally are. Every time we go to see them, we slip in a short lesson. It's fun! It's like we're secret agents. But this last one was the best, because Sister Rush is a brave, brave soul! We talked with them for a while, and then Fred ended up having to leave. So it was just us and Betty. We ended up talking about how God is our loving heavenly father, and not a god of vengeance. She asked us questions about how we have seen God's hand in our lives, and she shared some experiences with us as well. It was really special, and she really opened up to us. Sister Rush was gutsy and pulled out the Book of Mormon and shared some scriptures from that as well! She's awesome.
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{on exchanges with Sister Rush! Slurpees are so much better in Canada!} |
We have another new investigator named Cherril! It was awesome. While sister Hatch was on exchanges with Sister Kunz, they were teaching at a less active member's home. Her name is Patricia. Towards the end of the lesson, Patricia asked if they were allowed to teach people in Clareview (our area)! Sister Hatch was like "Clareview? That's my area!" So Patricia gave Sister Hatch her friend Cherril's info, and we stopped by her house on Sunday. She's very sweet and told us we could come back on Monday. So we did! Basically, Patricia is taking care of Cherril, because she is in a wheelchair and can't do much on her own. So Patricia actually came at the end of our lesson. It was awesome! She told us she's been looking for a church, and Patricia spoke very highly of ours. It's perfect! We taught her the restoration and committed her to read and pray about the book of mormon! Yay!