I'm In The Promised Land!!!
Dear Robinson clan,
Hello hello my favorite people! I miss you all so much and wish I could be home for the holidays, but thankfully I am doing alright being away from home this time of year.
Okay... Where shall I begin? Well this week was awesome! For starters, I got a pretty bad cold last week, so that was er.. fun. Haha. But I pushed through it and prayed a lot and it's almost gone now! Woot. Power of prayer :) I feel like we are on fire here in Drayton Valley! We have a lot of investigators, two of which are getting baptized this Saturday! Their names are Tyler and Raelynn and they're 11 and 9 years old. Their mom is a less active that we have been working with, and she decided she wanted her children to be baptized. So that's what I'm looking forward to this weekend! Last Sunday was actually the primary program, and Sister Priestley and I got to help out with that. I sat by Tyler, and he turned to me and said, "Are you coming to my baptism this weekend?" I said, "Tyler, of course I am!!" And he got super excited and said, "I Can't wait!" He is a sweetheart. They both are. It's been a lot of fun teaching them these past couple of weeks.
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{Getting in the Christmas spririt!! We made these graham cracker houses with a member yesterday, because she "needed inspiration from our creativity"} |
Oh there are these members in our ward named the Hewitts who bought me a pair of nice winter boots the other day!! I was so thankful! It was very thoughtful of them. They were laughing at my wimpy boots from JC Penny that I've been wearing lately, so they went out and got me a pair! They're actually way too big on me, but it's the thought that counts, right? :) I am going to see if I can exchange them today.
Okay, so miracle time!! We got to teach John last Thursday, and he is doing so good! His wife Lisa is a member, and she has been reading The Book of Mormon with him every day, and he loves it. It really strengthened my testimony of The Book of Mormon, and that it testifies its truth to anyone who reads it with real intent! Lisa has also been helping him learn how to pray, and he's been praying every morning and night now. We were able to talk to him about apostasy and prophets this past week, and he seems to absorb everything really well.
So on Thursday, Lisa invited us over to have American Thanksgiving dinner with their family that weekend (John's wife is from Tennessee!) I was SO STOKED, especially when she told us there was going to be green bean casserole! Score!! Canadians don't do Thanksgiving quite the way we do it. They have it in October, and they don't do much green bean casserole or stuffing. All of the Canadians at supper on Saturday didn't even know what green bean casserole was!! Crazy, right? I thought so. It was a lot of fun. So we joined them on Saturday, and it was SO YUMMY. She cooked us a duck too!! It was so good. I was in heaven. They gave us a box full of leftovers too! So all we need to buy for groceries this week is eggs. Haha. But yeah it was super yummy, and we're pretty sure that John is going to get baptized. It's pretty exciting.
{Thanksgiving dinner! This is John and Lisa's family. John is one of our investigators. He's the one closest to the camera} |
So on Thursday, Lisa invited us over to have American Thanksgiving dinner with their family that weekend (John's wife is from Tennessee!) I was SO STOKED, especially when she told us there was going to be green bean casserole! Score!! Canadians don't do Thanksgiving quite the way we do it. They have it in October, and they don't do much green bean casserole or stuffing. All of the Canadians at supper on Saturday didn't even know what green bean casserole was!! Crazy, right? I thought so. It was a lot of fun. So we joined them on Saturday, and it was SO YUMMY. She cooked us a duck too!! It was so good. I was in heaven. They gave us a box full of leftovers too! So all we need to buy for groceries this week is eggs. Haha. But yeah it was super yummy, and we're pretty sure that John is going to get baptized. It's pretty exciting.
Another investigator we have been working with is named Jen, and we had a really cool lesson with her this week. I learned a lot. So she has been investigating the church for a really long time now, and she has been taught all of the lessons several times. However, she has been saying that she doesn't feel "ready" for baptism yet! So we decided we wanted to get to the bottom of her concern this week. We got to teach her a lesson yesterday, and it was interesting, because she was actually the one who brought up baptism! She said something about how she was praying about baptism the other day, and she received an answer that she needed to be baptized. I was amazed!! She did that all by herself. We weren't really in contact with her at the time anyway! It was awesome. So she said she for sure knows that she wants to get baptized before February 22, which is her daughter's birthday. Now we just have to work on setting a date ;) We'll see how that goes. I love her though. She's awesome.
Ah and the members in our ward are amazing as well! Another investigator of ours named Judy (Jen's mom) came to church on Sunday and some members invited us to bring her to lunch at their house after church. It was awesome! Judy is part of the ward family already. Everyone loves her, and she loves coming! It's a win win! She was going to be baptized on the 28th, but she chickened out, so we are helping her to get ready by reminding her to read her scriptures every night, and answering whatever questions she has. She's amazing though! She actually reminds me of you, Mom! It's fun :)
We had 4 investigators in church on Sunday!! It was so awesome! Heavenly Father is helping us out so much!! I am so thankful for these opportunities that he is giving me to learn and grow every day. I love being able to help others come closer to Christ, and this is the best way! Well besides being a mother, of course ;) But I love it!
And I owe all of you a giant THANK YOU!!!! Yesterday, I received the packages and oh my goodness I am so thankful to all of you!! I love it :) It has been taking a lot of self control not to open the wrapped presents, but so far I'm pushing through ;) Haha. Ah those chocolate kisses are deadly! They're so yummy!! And I love all the Christmas decorations! I did some decorating last night and this morning. Sister Priestley and I put up the tree last night, and topped it off with the lights and ornaments :) I'll send a pic. Thank you so much though!! Seriously. You all mean the world to me, and I always feel a little closer to home when I receive packages and letters. I love you all so much!! Thank you thank you thank you! Oh and by the way, Sister Priestley and I took a video of us opening our packages last night. I am working on getting it to you... It may be difficult. We'll see. :/ But it's a fun one :) Okay I love you all!! Have a good week!!
Much love,
Sister Robinson
So this week Sister Priestley and I had the privilege to teach Sunday school! I love teaching now, so I was really excited! It was all about Jesus Christ and why He is so important. This Christmas season has been really special for me, because I have been able to embrace the true meaning of Christmas. Teaching Sunday school opened my eyes to how much the Savior has done and continues to do for us. Christmas is such a wonderful time, and it's no wonder people are so much nicer during this time of year! When we think about Jesus, I think we become a little nicer. :) But yeah, it's been a lot of fun to share the Christmas video the church put out with those that we're working with.
I wish I had more time to write you all today, but my inbox was flooded this week :) I love you all though! Oh and thank you for the packages!! I am going to send some letters home today.
Hugs and kisses.
Sister Robinson
Hey family!!
I love you all so much! I hope you all know that! :) This week was great! Tyler and Raelynn got baptized on Saturday!! It was so awesome! They were both beaming with joy that day. I love them so much! They're like my little siblings. Just kidding. You guys could never be replaced. But they'll do for now :)![]() |
{It was the cutest baptism ever!} |
The work is moving along nicely! We have 3 baptisms coming up!! Wahoo! I love Drayton Valley!! :)
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{This is a castle that Sister Priestly and I are helping a member in the ward paint on her wall! It's been a lot of fun! :) Yay for service!} |